Thursday, January 8, 2009

10 Days In!

Whew! This is a crazy ride all ready. I'm ten days in and it feels like a month! My brother came to visit me and Cam. He stayed for two days and it was a good distraction but didn't help when I went to sleep and missed Caleb! Caleb left today for the WTC area. They have had him in a different part of the base. He will start the "real" training today. The last time I talked to him was about 1:00 today. He was outside waiting for the bus to pick them up. He Told me he didn't know what the phone privileges are when he starts. We've been really lucky to be able to talk, text and send pictures. He said if they don't let him call tonite it shouldn't be more than two or three days until we talk!!!! That's a long time when you don't have any clue if he's ok. I guess this is my "training" if he goes to Iraq and I can't talk to him everyday?!?! There are a couple of things driving me crazy about this so far. First he has NO privacy. Everywhere he goes he has to have his battle buddy and he lives in a room with 20 other guys. Half the time people are talking so loud I can't hear what he's saying and he cant tell me how he really feels because he's NEVER alone! Last night he called me at around 12:30am. I guess everybody was asleep because he sounded like him! It was nice. Second was his foot! He told me he had a blister on the back of his foot and as soon as they let him he would go to the PX and get some neosporin and bandages. THEN, he sends me a picture of his heel. I couldn't believe it! He basically had a hole in his heel and blisters all on the outside. I have never seen anything like it. i really don't see how he can possibly walk! He keeps saying "oh it will be fine, I'm just breaking in my boots and it will callous up.". It was really hard to not be able to help him. It sucked! I can't get it out of my head. I just keep thinking, has he been able to bandage it or what. I told him to go to the medic but he said that they wouldn't let him for a blister so he wasn't even going to ask. I guess it's that army mentality and he shouldn't look weak but it looks so bad I bet they would let him! Me and Cameron went on a walk and talked about how much he was missing Caleb. We were watching TV the other night and a Army commercial came on. He asked if that's what daddy was doing. When I told him yes he said "awesome". I think he thinks it's cool his dads in the Army. I'm going to to take him to do something this weekend. Not sure what yet but something we can make into a whole day. I'm signing off and hope I get to talk to Caleb tonite.........

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